About the Author
Gathering, analyzing and using personal data is a core principle to innovations leading to a healthier lifestyle and allows making the interaction between men and technology more personal. I aim to explore these huge potentials and incorporate them into applications. As an engineer with a degree from the Technische Universität München and a trained Design Thinker, I search for innovative solutions also focusing on optimizing usability. In addition to the technological point of view, I integrate knowledge in behavioral psychology and coaching methods along my work with applications for sports and health. I am also an entrepreneur, writer and speaker.
In order to foster innovation in Germany, I am commited to connecting the community of users and makers of tools based on personal data. The Quantified Self Meetup groups in the Bay Area and the Silicon Valley, which I consider a hub for innovators in technologgy, health and personal development, are my model for developing Quantified Self groups in Berlin and Munich.
In this blog, I express my personal opinion, unbiased by my clients, partners or other interest groups. Companies or persons that I have a business or personal relation with, are disclosed.